Finding Your Tree

     If you’re here because I’ve been working on your tree and told you it would be on this website, I would just like to take a moment to thank you for heading over here to check it out. I know that family history isn’t something everyone is interested in, so it means a lot to me that you are taking the time to look at what I have been working on. 

Creating a Login

     Family history information can come from a variety of places. Sometimes it’s vital records, documents, newspaper clippings, etc… but it also comes from people. Sometimes people are willing to share family photos, stories or even their own research with family, but they don’t necessarily want it posted online for the public to see. In the interest of respecting the wishes of the people who have so generously shared their time, stories, photos, and research with me, I’ve decided to set the trees up on this site to require a login. Once you are logged in, you will have access to all of the information I gather from various people and places. This is a never ending work in progress, so I will be continuing to add more as it is discovered. If you’ve already created a username, you can click on “Login” in the menu bar near the top of this page. If you have not created a username yet and would like to, you can do so right now by clicking on the “Register” button right underneath this text. 

Registration Form

The registration form shown in the image above has a lot of questions, but not all of them are necessary. I do need to know what you would like your username to be, your password (I don’t see your password, this is just saved in the system) and your email address. If you are not comfortable with sharing your address and phone number, feel free to skip those parts! 

One thing I do need to know, is how you are connected to the tree. If you write a message to me in the “Notes or Comments” section of the form mentioning who you are related to and how you are connected to them, I will be able to get your login set upright away. Connecting your username to your place in the tree enables the site to tell you how you are related to people when you are looking at someone’s individual page. It also creates a “my page” link that will always be on the menu bar near the top of the page. Clicking on the “my page” link will take you back to your individual page. 

Finding Your Tree After Logging In

   Am I starting to sound like I’m repeating myself? If you’ve been here before and have read my post titled “To my family, with love”, you might be wondering why I’m still talking about this even though I’ve already gone over this in that post. Well, the instructions in that post are still valid, but since then, I’ve created another way for you to find your tree. I want to make this site as user friendly as possible, so I will continue to try to do so by seeing what works for people and sharing tips in posts like this. If you have any ideas of things that might make it easier to navigate, please let me know!

Once you are logged in, if you click on “Trees” in the menu bar near the top of the page, it will take you to the page shown in the image above. Then if you find the name of your tree and click on it, it will take you to that tree! From that point, you can click on various names or images or even places to get a better look at them. You can also print out the charts, information or images if you’d like to do so. Your “my page” link will always be at the top of the page if you’d like to go back to your individual page, and you can always go back to the “Trees” page if you’d like to start over from there. 

I am always looking for people who are interested in collaboration, so if you’ve taken a look at the site and would like to join me in working on the tree here, that would be wonderful! If you have family photos and/or stories to share, I would be incredibly grateful if you would share them with me so we can preserve these memories together for future generations! Photo and story contributions are always credited to the person who shared them (unless they ask not to be named) so their generosity will be remembered in the years to come. 

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